A Green Hotel With Biodiversity
Biodiversity includes all forms of life that occur on this planet: genetic diversity, species, and distinct ecosystems. Along with climate change (and one of its effects), biodiversity loss in one of the biggest and most important challenges we face today..

Biodiversity Check
parrot sanctuary
The hotel is located in Antiguo Cuscatlán, a sanctuary for parakeets that spend the night in the surroundings. The aratinga strenua or green pericón species arrived in our community a few years ago, you can see them fly from our roof every day. We are committed to the conservation project for this species and have carried out parrot counts with neighbors and planted fruit trees for food.

of funzel, taken in the UCA
Interurban Biological Corridor
Eco Hotel Árbol de Fuego committed to the protection and conservation of biodiversity
is sponsoring the research "Proposal for an Interurban Biological Corridor for the Conservation ofYellow-naped Parrot(Amazona auropalliata) andGreen Pericon(Psittacara strenuus) in Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador” prepared bymeybi ventura, graduated from the Environmental Management Engineering degree at the Dr. José Matías Delgado University, research that aims to be the spearhead for the execution of various projects to benefit the parrot sanctuary in Antiguo Cuscatlán.
The Pericón Verde and the Lora Nuca Amarilla are two endemic species of the Mesoamerican region, that is, They are not found in another part of the world,today, the Green Pericón is threatened and the Yellow-naped Parrot incritically endangeredFor this reason, protection is of vital importance and in this way ensure the prevalence over time of these beautiful and emblematic birds.

In our garden we have planted different species of plants and flowers with different purposes:

In our Biojardinera (the natural water treatment plant) we have planted heliconias that, with their roots, help to treat the gray water of the hotel. They are plants that have roots like a nest and together with the stones, carry out the water treatment process to later be reused as irrigation in the garden.
Green roof
On the green roof we have vines that cover the roof sheet and provide shade to lower the temperature of the hotel. We have already made temperature measurements and the roof sheet is 60 degrees hot at noon, while the plants are 30 degrees hot. The roof plants have helped us reduce the heat island. After many experiments and after searching for a vine resistant to high heat temperatures, we found that a native plant, the creeping daisy, is the one that best adapts to our green roof.
water saving plants
The grass consumes 3 times more water than any other plant and that is why we decided to change them for ground covers that do not consume as much water, including centavito, forage peanuts, etc. We also use the xeriscaping technique in our gardens to water as little as possible. This technique uses water-saving plants, native plants and stones to avoid consuming a lot of water in the garden. We are preparing for climate change and water scarcity. The water used to irrigate the main garden is recycled water from the washing machine, which has been previously treated in our Biojardinera.

Fire Tree:
We chose this beautiful tree to give our hotel its name. It is a naturalized tree in our lands and in the dry season it delights us with its red flowers that resemble fire. The fire gives us heat and gives us life, it is the tree that is at the entrance of the hotel, welcoming you with all the human warmth of Salvadorans. In other countries it is known as Flamboyán, Malinche, etc.).

Pollinating and water-storing flowers
It is very important to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and bees since, without pollination, there is no life. We have adapted flowers to attract this type of species and every day we receive their visit in the garden. In the garden we have a nest of wild bees (chumelitos) that chose us due to the diversity of plants where they can take refuge and feed.

native plants
We have already started our plan to introduce native plants in the hotel that consume less water and are suitable for El Salvador. They are special to attract insects and are widely used in natural medicine. Among our native plants we have the creeping daisy, five negritos, chichipince, chaya, chichiguas, etc.

fruit trees
They cannot be missing and we have two naturalized species: 2 species of mango and 2 of avocado that serve as food for the birds, tacuazines and squirrels that visit us. We also have plants that store water that are used by the little birds to drink water in the dry season.

We do not use pesticides in our garden, since 2009 our garden is totally organic and we have a composting facility where we take out the fertilizer for the garden. An indicator of being free of contamination are the worms that come out on the ground and serve as food for the little birds.

We do not use pesticides in our garden, since 2009 our garden is totally organic and we have a composting facility where we take out the fertilizer for the garden. An indicator of being free of contamination are the worms that come out on the ground and serve as food for the little birds.
As a result of the pandemic, we carried out an air study with the Sirae company in El Salvador and our measurement was of excellent air quality due to the hotel's vegetation. We have purifying plants such as the poto, the areca palm and the mother-in-law's tongue that are working during the day and night absorbing CO2 and volatile chemical substances. We are very proud to show our guests our natural air filter made up of plants, which provide the best quality of air to our guests. (I already sent you the air quality study).
We do not use pesticides in our garden, since 2009 our garden is totally organic and we have a composting where we take out the fertilizer for the garden. An indicator of being free of contamination are the worms that come out on the ground and serve as food for the little birds.
Everything is respected in the garden and we try to leave it as nature allows, always seeking a balance between the comfort of our guests and nature .